This is her, over at Leah's.

Well, this week of work has been very quite. All the students are out on summer break and most faculty are out for the summer. I will be working year-round. I'm taking advatage of this time to edit round the clock. I'm almost done editing and authoring both graduation videos. You would think, summertime at work would be slow, but I have several projects in the work, so things should be steady.
Other than work, I'm still running strong. Early this week, Cheyenne and I hit a trail, near our house. I've been on it a few times and I absolutely love it. I went for a long run, over an hour, so I was worried Cheyenne would get restless, but she was all smiles and laughs. The last 20 minutes, she gave in, and took a nap. I actually prefer her to be awake when I run because we get more face time that way. Here before too long, I won't have to use the car seat in the baby jogger. I'm not looking forward to that.
I've been looking for summer races and I'm very disappointed with my options. I haven't seen any that grab my interest. It seems like all the good races are Jan thru March. Bummer.
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