Here is the author in her own words....
When I started reading this book, Trey and I were driving to Selma. Every now and then I would read him passages. He jokingly called me a sexist....I think he meant feminist. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book.

!!!!!! I have two girls and this makes me want to encourage them and tell them that they can do anything they want to!!!!!

Whether your choice is to stay at home with your children, to volunteer, work part-time, work full-time...whatever it is ---- You/me/us/we need to accept these choices and know that they are the best.

When I've attended the NABShow conferences, the majority of people there are men. Women are not the majority in my industry. So, the quote below stood out to me. Often, I feel like men who are in the position to mentor would rather not mentor a women for reasons like -- image (what will other people think of the context of the relationship) and/or familiarity (male comradery). I am fortunate to have a male mentor who at every opportunity has shared his knowledge about technical video work to business experience. What I also learned from this book is that a mentor is not someone who has to invest hours upon hours dedicated to you, they are someone who you can go to for sound advice. They are not your therapist that you have to check-in with every week!

The chapter titled Make Your Partner a Real Partner was my favorite.
Trey has really stepped up this year to help me with the girls and help out around the house. As my calendar has filled up with work, he has helped to accommodate my off-beat "new to our family" work schedule. We're not perfect and some weeks are more hectic than others, but he has helped out tremendously and taken a great deal off stress off my plate. Thank you, Trey for helping to empower me.

Sandberg asked one question that stood out above the rest....
What would you do if you weren't afraid?????
Think about that.....Chew on it.
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