Duration: 2 hr 6 mins
Avg Pace Per Mile: 9:38 (official time)
Weather: 70 degrees (HUMID)
I'm so glad I did not have my eyes set on a sub 2 hour race. My Half Marathon PR is 1 hr 56 mins. It was too hot for that. Oh, yeah and I had a baby a few months ago, so there's that too.
EXPO (Saturday)
I'm going to backtrack for just a moment. Saturday, Trey and I took the girls to the Dallas Convention Center and we checked out the expo. I was hoping to see my friend, Jeri -- She lives in South Dakota. I've been
Instead of kidnapping Jeri, I did the next best thing, we ran together. Granted, it was only about a mile and a half, but still...
I promise, she's totally normal. Haha!
3:30 am
I heard Dakota moving around in her crib. I got her and fed her.
4:00 am
Got dressed. Ate Oatmeal with bananas walnut and cinnamon. Updated my music playlist. I needed Weezer!
4:50 am
Becca arrived at my house and shortly after, we were in the car driving to Dallas.
6:30 am
Parked! I was worried about traffic, but going to the expo the day before really put me at ease. I knew where I was going and I had a general idea of where I wanted to park.
6:40 am
First porta-potty break.
7:00 am
Met Jeri near the 9:30 pace group and had to say goodbye to Becca, since officials were enforcing assigned corral locations. She was assigned to C. I wanted to run with her too.
By 8:05 am I was running. The first mile was fine, but then the heat started to get to me and I knew it would be a terrible mistake to push it. So, my race strategy was to run and do my best to keep a 9:30 pace. If it was cooler (maybe 40-50 degrees), I think I would have shot for a 9 minute pace. Honestly, I was thrilled just to be running, my longest distance since having a baby - (6 months postpartum). I ran the first mile and a half with Jeri. She gave me the green light to go on without her, so I did. We met at the finish line.
Becca and I after the race. She is also a momma. Her son turns one this month. She did great, I'm so proud of her and I'm pretty sure she exceeded her goal time.
It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows for me:
After I finished (30 minutes later), I was so thirsty. I needed bottled water, not a kid cup that volunteers were handing out at the finish line. You guys know how I am about water. When I went in the expo, there was a massive crowd, trying to make their way to the expo area and I was standing there trying to make my way over there too, I almost lost it. I felt nauseous, weak, light headed, irritable, and extremely thirsty and hungry. Remember, I ate at 4:30'ish am. I was on the verge of fainting. Once I broke away from the crowd, drank water and ate food - I was back to myself. Next time, I need to run with at least one gel and have my own snacks handy. I thought Gatorade and water would get me through, but obviously not. It worked for me before, but this time I didn't take into account that I'm still nursing a 6 month old.
Today, my legs feel sore, but not trashed.
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