The good news is I slept great last night, so at least I have that...
What did the doctor say?
My doctor said I'm 3 CM, which is progress, from last week <----- I'll take that. She also swept my membrane. She did that and then told me after the fact. It was ok with it, in fact I was going to ask her if she could do that, but a heads up would've been nice. Not me asking about it and then saying, Oh, that's what I was just doing....."
She kept talking about inducing me and said towards the end, she likes it when her patients are induced -- "You (meaning the mother/family members) can plan ahead!" It sounded like she was trying to sell me on the idea....
I'm still working, so that makes the hours and days go by faster. I'd be going crazy if I was at home, especially, since Cheyenne isn't there. I plan on working up until delivery day, so technically I could go into labor, while I'm at work. That could be interesting, since my hospital is a good 30 miles away. My co-workers are on standby ready to drive me, if I need assistance.
I'll leave you with two random things:
1. Check out my new favorite iPhone App, it's called Action Movie. I recorded this clip at London's Birthday Party. Don't blink or you'll miss it. I told you guys, I went to film school. ;)
2. My Huge Garden Harvest:
If I had to survive off of my garden, I'd surely starve.
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