As I recall, taking care of a newborn goes something like this:
- Being deprived of sleep
- A lot of happy moments
- Lots of snuggle time
- Nursing and changing diapers 'round the clock
- A lot of sitting (feeding) -- I already mentioned that, but it's true, newborns eat like crazy.
Knowing What I Know Now:
This time I will try to do things differently. Last time, I didn't nap that often. When Cheyenne napped. I cleaned. I blogged. I visited with friends/family. I love you guys, I DO, BUT this time, if you're at my house and I'm tired and Dakota is sleeping, I might have to excuse myself and go to bed. I won't have any energy to entertain you. Thanks for understanding.
Another thing Trey and I are going to do differently is we are only going to allow our family to visit us in the hospital. There are a few friends I would like to invite, while we are at the hospital, but that will be more or less invitation only. Ohhhh, it sounds so exclusive. I don't mean to come across like that -- the whole VIP (to us) only, but having people in and out of the hospital room, immediately after going through labor is just too much for me. Some women can handle all that stimulation, but I can't. It's overload. I'm just a woman, not Wonder Woman.
Come On Over
Honestly, I am excited for when we welcome Dakota home, that's when we will have all visitors over and EVERYONE is welcome to visit. (I'm talking to you!) I really want you guys to come over and meet our baby girl!
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