Friday, March 02, 2012

Burley Bike Trailer & Low Rider, Dakota

A huge thanks to our friends, Casey and Krista. Thanks to them, we now have a Burley bike trailer to tow our little one. Yay, for new toys!

You know how I'm obsessed with running? Well, that's how our friend Casey is with cycling. He has a bike trailer for his two kids, this trailer was given to him, so he gave it to us. We really appreciate it.
Burley Bike Trailer
As soon as Trey got home, Cheyenne was bouncing up and down, yelling, " The sun is up!" Meaning, since the sun was still out, she could go for a bike ride. She loved, loved, loved, the bike trailer! She was giggling and saying Yay, Wee!
Burley Bike Trailer
I hopped on the bike to get a feel for it. It's not as much of a drag/pull as I thought it would be. It was actually smooth.
Burley Bike TrailerBurley Bike Trailer
Trey took her on a one mile ride, while I made breakfast for dinner.
Burley Bike Trailer
Do you think we could hitch the trailer to the scooter?
Burley Bike Trailer
Well, do you think I can convince Trey to let me ride in the trailer?
Probably not.
Burley Bike Trailer
I don't think Chey would be willing to share.
Burley Bike Trailer
I'm pretty sure, this will be included in our weekend plans. What are your plans? My mom, Tasha and Bella will be in town, so I'm excited to see them.
Burley Bike Trailer
Shuffle Walk
At the moment, I'm quite frustrated. Since Sunday's half marathon, I've ran 3 miles. I shouldn't even say it was running, it was more like a shuffle: Stop, shuffle, walk -- exercise. Here's the deal, the running-bouncing motion feels uncomfortable. I really don't want to say painful, but to be honest - IF I try to run my normal pregnancy run pace, it can be painful. When I was pregnant with Cheyenne, she felt like she was in this tight bubble of a cushion within my belly and the only run-pain I experienced was knee discomfort from the extra weight I gained. Dakota feels like a low rider, with less cushion. My legs don't hurt at all, I think I'd rather be experiencing that discomfort, tho. To be safe, I have resorted to walking and elliptical training. No squats, no weights over 5 lbs, and I don't carry Cheyenne unless it's just loading her in a basket or the car.

Several of my friends, mentioned they experienced this same kind of discomfort with their second child. It just sucks and I'd rather be comfortable, again. Who knows, maybe in a week, things will go back to normal, but at the moment, it doesn't seem like it will. I'm bracing myself for walking the duration of this pregnancy, but who knows, right?
I contacted my doctors office and the nurse recommeneded I take Extra Strength Tylenol and apply an ice pack to alleviate any pain. She said, my symptoms are normal and unless there is spotting, there is nothing I should worry about. Ok, now I have some peace of mind.

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