Here are some quotes that hopefully brighten up your day.
What do you have planned for the weekend? Here are my two priorities.

I'll be awesome by running this weekend. You know what? I have somehow managed to stress myself out with this 1,500 miles in 2011 - running goal. I'm already 10 miles behind for this week. It's not looking good. I may have to reel myself in. Time for a reality check!
Other than running, I plan on making tonight a pizza night, relaxing at home and trying a new crockpot chili recipe sometime Saturday or Sunday.
One last thing........
Last night, I was working out, at home, on the elliptical and Chey kept putting her Dora stickers on me. Attractive, dry legs -- I know.... I don't realize how dry my legs are until I get home from work and put on shorts. Nice.
I like the "To Do" list. It made me laugh out loud.