Here are some "freebies" I got at my initial doctors appointment. The nurse asked, "Do you want a little bit of samples or do you want a lot?" I said, a lot PLEASE. These prenatal vitamins should last me at least two months. This time around, I'm using a different doctor. The reason why I chose a different doctor is because of scheduling. My old doctor does not see patients on the day I prefer to go --- but this new one does.
Here are the goodies I got, when I was pregnant with Cheyenne.
Well, tonight the electricity on our block went out. I had no electricity to cook dinner and it was really dark in the house, so we decided to go out for Italian. There is a locally owned Italian restaurant close to us, so we went there.
Ever since our vacation, I've been eating like crap. Processed food = CRAP. It's just like I've said before, food taste different and it's hard for me not to gag when I think about eating an entire salad and salads are suppose to be my thing! I'm going to suck it up and go back to my old habits, starting now. I just don't like the way I feel when I eat processed food, for more than 50% of my meals. I feel super gross, but that could just be my prego hormones too.
Here are some pictures of Cheyenne eating spaghetti.
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