(Said in dramitic voice ---->) The time has come! DUH. DUH. DUH.
I can't wait to tell Trey, in person, so he can roll his eyes. Yay, the fun is about to start! Not for him, but for me.
For those who have no idea what Paleo is -- let me give you a basic 101 Intro to the Paleolithic Diet, or at least what I understand it to be.
- Eat like a caveman.
- Eat meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, & some oils. Did I miss anything? Really, that's it?
- No grains. :(
- No Beans. :( double sad face :(
- No Dairy
- No Alcohol (but I just started drinking red wine)
- No processed food. I believe that includes cookies. Yes, I'm almost certain.
A typical paleo friendly meal would look like this, excpet with a lot more veggies to fill me up.
My stomach can thank The Running Couple for this one. On that note, I can blame my sugar withdrawals on them as well. It's only fair. Thanks guys! The RC has created a 30 day Paleo Challenge. It starts August 1. I have a well stocked Paleo fridge, so I feel like starting now. Why not? Please answer me, that was not a hypothetical question. Tell me to live my last week of free eating on nothing but candy. P-L-E-A-S-E! Perhaps, I will use this week to ease myself into Paleo.
I won't be going off the deep end with this 30 day challenge. TRUST ME. My main focus will be to eat Paleo the majority of the time. I will make exceptions for my recovery drink, which consist of milk and whey protein. I drink this maybe 2 times a week. And I'll also cut myself some slack, if I go out to dinner with friends or family, which is maybe once a week. I'll make a healthy decision based on the available menu and if the only thing on the menu to eat is a burger, then guess what? I'm gonna eat me a greasy burger. So, goes life.
When I do my long runs, (you know, like 13+ miles), I'll re-fuel with gel packs. Paleo is not worth passing out mid-run. Sorry, but it's not worth it. And I don't see myself doing a long run with a chicken breast in my SPIbelt. Eww, gross!
I'll also allow myself to eat nachos at least once a week, during this challenge. I can't resist them...and really, by the US food pyramid standards they are considered healthy. To top it off, that's greek yogurt. It's gotta be good.
Have I completely lost my marbles for doing this? I mean, think about what you eat everyday and now imagine if you did Paleo. So, who wants to join me? Anyone? ....(crickets)....
I'm pretty sure I would starve to death on this diet because I eat no fruits and veggies! Haha. Good luck though!
ReplyDeleteIt will be fun at first, but once the newness wears off, which could be any day now -- I think it will be tough.
I think you have a balanced approach to it Dom. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI am going to blog about it soon, but I have my own food challenge up my sleve. No where near as cool and dramatic as yours, but I am excited about it.