Me: Tomorrow, is national doughnut day.
Chey: Doughnuts, momma?!?!
ME: Yes. Maybe we can get one tomorrow.
Whoever said kids have a short-term memory has never met my doughnut loving child. She woke up this morning and the first thing she said was DOUGHNUTS! Well, good morning to you too. Mornings are always busy, but how could I not get her a DN?!? If anything, I needed to reward her amazing memory skills.
Trey joined us and the employees at the DN shop recognized Trey and Chey, they were probably thinking: who is THIS woman with them? One employee asked if Chey was feeling better. I was thinking: How does this stranger know my child was sick? I'm convinced Trey and Chey sneak out of the house and make DN runs, when I'm sleeping.
According to Chey, the best way to eat a DN is to put your finger in the hole and go after it. She also highly recommends the DN's with Sprinkles. I passed on the DN fat, since I'm reserving my excessive carb intake for this weekend.
In other news, the garden is looking delicious. We are having a great garden season -- so far.
The weeds have been manageable, the herbs are flourishing, and I'm watering it, just about everyday. Next season, I want to expand the garden, so I can have more tomatoes. I have big plans. Big plans.
Parts of the cilantro started to grow-crazy tall, so I snipped the excess and put it in a vase. How do you like the wild flowers? Nice touch.
Everyone, have a great weekend.
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