Friday, June 17, 2011

Holy Smokes, It's HOT!

If you thought about running outside in this ridiculous heat, take it from me, it's not worth it! Yesterday, Trey and Cheyenne made a "cookie run" to the store (there runs or much different than mine) and I took the opportunity to run the neighborhood. Even running with a water bottle in hand, it was unbearable. It was 7 pm and it was so HOT! Bad bad run. We've all been there. I should've just stuck to the treadmill or got up early, like I planned, but life happens so sometime you just have to roll with whatcha-ya-got.

So, What is everyone doing this weekend? Kicking back, I hope. This is a picture of Trey from last weekend. We put Cheyenne down for a nap and we sat on the sofa for a while, just enjoying some downtime.
Kick Back Sunday
Trey and I like to stay in, most Friday nights, curl-up and watch a movie. Tonight, we'll be watching Morning Glory. The rest of the weekend is kind of up in the air. We don't have much planned. Well, I have a lot of things I want to do, but nothing set in stone. I find it's best to have my plan A, with a list of things I want to do and then a plan B, which consist of leaving room for unexpected things. For instance, Trey may be working this weekend, if he does, Cheyenne and I will have girl time tomorrow.

Here are a few photos of her finding entertainment in an empty paper towel roll.
Cheyenne Playing in the Kitchen
When I took these photos, she had massive diarrhea. Haha, just what you wanted to know. Any who, I'm glad I held on to some of her pull-ups. I strapped her PU's on and that saved me from cleaning a load of mess.
Cheyenne Playing in the Kitchen
I think she finally realized, she's playing with trash.
Cheyenne Playing in the Kitchen
And she's lost interest...
Cheyenne Playing in the Kitchen
Those images reminded me of a sword fight she had with Daddy a few months ago. She has grown.

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