For meals, we've been getting by on beans and veggies. Right about now, I'm starting to crave chicken fettucini and beef everything. Next week I may go on a protein/animal rage. Be on the lookout.
Everyday, I water the garden and pick it. I usually go for the herbs. I prefer to pick what I need, when I need it, rather than picking a bundle at a time to use over the course of several days. Why? Because I like to eat it fresh, plus the herbs wilt fast. Some of the cilantro leaves are doing this number...I think I'm suppose to cut it back when it does this. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to gardening. I'm learning along the way and that's what makes it so much fun.
Today, Cheyenne helped pick the grape tomatoes. We only picked four that where ready.
She's proud of this little fellow.
She wanted to eat all of them. I distracted her for a moment and she forgot I had one in my hand and before she could notice I ate it. What? She had three! We also picked a pepper and a bigger tomato.
What's the difference between a grape tomato and a cherry tomato? They look the same to me.
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