90 Days of fun? torture? pain? (fill in the blank) -- Let's face it -- this program works and it's not a walk in the park, I will earn every ripped ab and muscle definition, that's for sure.
Trey will be joining me on this audacious adventure. Last time, we started the program together and he only made it through ONE day and then sporadically did a few workouts here and there. This time he plans on working out with me...to a certain extent -- more on that later.
If you've been reading our blog for a while, you may remember I tried doing the program while training for Dallas White Rock Marathon. I saw results like WHOA. I lasted 30 days on the program and that was including my normal running schedule 30'ish miles a week. It was too time consuming -- committing myself to both running and P90X. Something had to give and I decided to focus more on running.
My 30 day progress:
This time I will try to modify the P90X program to suit my running addiction. Here is the plan for the next two weeks:
Sunday- Rest
Monday - Chest and Back + Ab RipperX
Tuesday - Plyometrics or Running 4 -6 miles
Wednesday - Shoulders and Arms + Ab RipperX
Thursday - YogaX or Running 4 - 6 miles
Friday - Legs & Back + Ab RipperX
Saturday - Long Run (8 - 14 miles)
*Trey won't be doing any of the Ab RipperX workouts with me and if he doesn't want to do the cardio or yoga workouts, I'll substitute that day with running -- if I'm in the mood. I'm not training for a race, so this flexibility is nice.
If you are not familiar with the P90X workouts they are usually 60 minutes long. Ab RipperX is 15 minutes, and YogaX is an hour and a half long. This is a huge time commitment, but I plan on working out in the mornings. Here's to 90 days! I'm not married to this plan, but I want to strive to work towards a goal and I think this is a great roadmap. I'm thinking about writing a weekly update on our progress to stay motivated and keep you posted.
P90x seems crazy! Have fun with that! Haha.