Tasha and Trey playing nerdy birds - Nothing says geek than being in public and playing on your cellular phone, when you could be interacting with people. :P
He's been trying to get me to play that game, but I refuse. I hear so many people are addicted to it. Addicted, I tell you.
Saturday afternoon I made Tasha a bacon wrap.
I found a new park that I love...I mean, Cheyenne loves. It has less foot traffic than one we've been going to and it's super clean. The only downside is - there are no public bathrooms in sight. Head for the bushes if nature calls. I almost had to, but held it until I got home. (TMI)
While we were there, a little boy approached Cheyenne
Boy: Do you wanna play?
Chey: Ummmmm....Mama!
Boy: I like your sunglasses!
Me: Oh, thank you.
Boy: I wasn't talking about yours!
The icing on the cake was when his mom told him it was time to go home. He ran to Cheyenne and gave her a hug. She was all like....what the what? Awkward!
The boys are already chasing after her.
HAAHAHAHAH that's the cutest park story ever.