To my surprise, this was the most satisfying meal. I added veggies, wild rice, turkey, chia seeds and to top it off, I made a red wine vinaigrette. Impressive, if I do say so myself.
My entire salad could not fit into the pita. The picture below were the remains, well -- until I devoured it. I'm trying to eat extra healthy before Cowtown. Last night, I wanted chocolate, but all I could find that was chocolate and worth eating was my protein powder. Good enough! I feel like I have to mention that I did not eat the powder by itself. That would be gross. Chocolate milk shake, oh yeah.
One more picture because it's so pretty and I feel like making you hungry. By the way, in case you were wondering why I was eating all that food earlier this week...(nasty food that Trey does not like)...well, it was because he was out of town (work-related). See, it's not so bad when he's away. He hates spaghetti, so I rarely make it, I guess you could say I went a little crazy, while he was away. NOODLES> PASTA>CHUNKY SAUCE!!!!! We're both glad I got that out of my system. It gave me an opportunity to carb load early in the week. MUST be ready for Sunday's big race. 31 miles. Honestly, this race seems less scary than the marathon.
Race Goals:
1. Complete my first 50K race
2. Try not to use the bathroom during the race.
3. Run the race in 5 hours 10 minutes (10:00 minute pace)
- This might be possible considering I ran the DWR Marathon at a 9:45 pace. Fingers Crossed! <---- The entire time I'm running, or not because that would be uncomfortable.
Side note: The calf still hurts. The pain is less today, but the soreness seems to be lingering.
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