She also reunited with her baby. I felt like a terrible mother, I forgot to send her off to Abilene with BABY! (GASP) Side note: Notice the big girl bed in the background. Impressive.
She's doing pretty good driving the bike around the house.
I caught her creeping around the presents
Someone is a little anxious...
We let her open one Christmas gift
She got PJ's
Then we made Santa cookies. I hear he likes chocolate chip cookies, so that's what we made.
Chey was a great helper
Daddy even got into it
Clean up!
And finally, we went to Candelight Christmas Eve church service. We didn't even bother changing Cheyenne out of her PJ's. Oh, she looked so stinking adorable. At church, we sang Christmas carols and read about the birth of Jesus Christ. At the end of the service we sang Holy Night to was very moving.
As soon as we were done at church, we hopped in the car and drove around looking at Christmas lights. Chey was in the backseat singing Jingle Bells. She kept telling me SHHHHHH everytime I would join in to sing. HAHA! I guess she doesn't like the way I sing. Within 30 minutes she fell asleep, so I could sing again. Now we're all in bed waiting for Santa to arrive.
Merry Christmas.
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