Here is a snapshot, but to see a better view here is the link.
Lately, I've been reading DWRM '09 race reviews. I've read nightmare stories about the start line. The main issue seems to be the corral areas. From what I understand, race coordinators separate runners in corrals A, B, C, D, E .... A wave of runners start and then a few minutes later the next group takes off and so forth. The idea is to have the fastest runners start (corral A) and then the slower runners follow. Sounds like a great plan, but from what I hear a lot of runners are not realistic with their finish time and find themselves in corral A or B and minutes after starting they WALK. This can result in a nightmare for everyone behind them...Remember, we're talking about 20,000+ people.
So, last night I had a dream I was running DWRM, but instead of it being in Dallas it was in Abilene, near Abilene Christian University. WHAT THE...???? I was assigned to the last/slowest corral. Once it was my time to run, I took off and got stuck behind all the walkers. All I could think about was failure! It was a running nightmare. I think I'm going to take a break from reading reviews and make the most out of my own experience. I'm assuming this dream sequence and anxiety is normal for first time marathoners, at least I keep telling myself that.
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