Duration: 02:00:31 (2 hrs 31 secs - setting a personal record)
Avg Pace Per Mile: 09:11
Gender Place: 465 out of 2,443
In my age group (25 - 29) I placed 80 out of 438 female runners
The average female finish time 02:25:00
Race day weather: AMAZING!!!! It was at least 40 degrees, sunny, and little to no wind. So, basically perfect race weather conditions. Three years running COWTOWN and this was the best weather EVER!
Before we left the house, Steve said, "I can't believe we're going to run this." He sounded really nervous and this picture shows it.
My cheerleaders, Cheyenne and Trey. He was on baby duty and did a great job.
Linda's Dad, Jim, drove into town for the big event. And he was so proud of them. After we finished he said that next year he wants to participate in the 5K.
Cheyenne snuggled up in the baby jogger. She took a two hour nap, while we were there.
Counting all races, there were over 20,000 runners!
When the race started, instead of having thousands of runners--rush the start line...Race officials corralled us out. So, I started the race at least 10 minutes past the gun time. I'm so glad they added the corral feature. I was less than a mile into the race and I didn't have to scramble through and dodge other runners -- I should also add I didn't get trampled by the elite runners. Less bottle neck means happy runners! The fluid stations were great. I only stopped at two since I like to run with my own bottle.
I really like this picture of Linda and Steve crossing the finish line. They said that when they crossed they were either going to hold hands or make-out. Haha. I'm glad they decided to hold hands.
Trey and Cheyenne on the roof of the parking garage.
Thanks to my family for putting up with me during this last year of training. So, more to come about my next running goals. Ma-Ma-Ma- I can't even say it! We'll see....