Time 1:56:28
Pace Per Mile 09:42
Temperature 34 degrees
Notes: Mile Eleven SUCKED! I wanted to quit, but kept moving. I had to keep reminding myself only one more mile...only one more mile. I ran through it and it felt good.
Yes, I finally got to go running. After church, Trey got back from his service call and we had a quick lunch together, while Cheyenne napped. I let my food settle and then I was out the door. I was gone for nearly two hours! And that is why I prefer morning runs. I don't like blocking out 2 hours in the middle of my day, but I'm married to a service tech...that's what I gotta do sometimes. Okay, we've been having some bone chilling weather. To my knowledge, it's been as low at 14 degrees...maybe lower. So, maybe it worked out for the best that I couldn't go running, so early, these last two days because I think we know I would've been out there. I've been told I'm crazy on more than one occasion. Everyone has a their thing. For example, Trey loves football. You may like music...Well, I love running. It's hard to explain my love hate relationship with this sport, but for the most part I love it.
So, I ran 12 miles, the longest distance I've ever gone at one time. I don't think I want to train more than 12 miles for the 13.1 half marathon race. I feel like 12 miles of training can carry me through the last 1.1. Plus, I think my body will kick my butt if I try to push myself any more before race day.
It's hard to tell in this picture but the Trinity River froze. A sheet of ice covered the surface, it was definitely a sight to see.
Here is a song from Paramore. This song is on my playlist. I'm already looking for new music..gotta keep it fresh and interesting. Taking suggestions....
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