Distance: 11 Miles
Total Time: 1:45:16
Average Pace Per Mile: 9:34
Temp: 62 degrees
We've been out of town the last three weekends, so it was nice to run in Ft. Worth again. I missed running on the trail. Last night, Trey and I were talking about my training. I asked him how many miles I should run and he suggested eleven. It's easy for him to suggest miles, since he's not the one running them. I took him up on the eleven mile challenge and decided to do it. I needed to run eleven sometime this month, so it's nice to know that that's out of the way and my next long-run I can drop the miles (back down 8-10 miles).
When I run, I take my iPhone and use Motion X GPS. This morning, while I was running, the GPS lost signal. It does this often. For every 4 long-runs I use it on, it will drop my signal on at least one of those runs. So, when it loses signal, it stops caculating mileage. Luckily, I knew the distance I was running, but it's still annoying because sometimes I'm not sure. There is another App I've tried called RunKeep Lite, it's the free version. I wasn't pleased with it, but maybe the full version is a lot better. If anyone knows of another iPhone running App that you would recommend let me know. Thanks.
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