Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Little Vintage

I'm not a big fan of self-portraits, but here you go...
This is the hat I made. It kind of has that vintage, thrift-store look.
My nifty hat!
Looks a liitle too much like a mySpace profile picture. No, wait... I'm wearing clothes, so maybe not. LOL!
My first custom hat
I got most of it done, while Trey was driving to and from Abilene. Ahhhh, it's good to be the passenger. Cheyenne would agree, she watched Baby Einstein during the trip.

On to the next thing....I just wanted to make myself something, since I've been busy making stuff for everyone else.


  1. Hey can you teach me how to do that? I would love to learn...maybe this weekend.

  2. Let's do it! We'll need yarn and a crochet needle...that's it. We'll see you soon.
