He decided on Cowboys colors, big surprise, I know. The navy blue also matches his work pants, which is good because he'll be wearing it primarily when he's working. I didn't add any tassels because I thought tassels would be too feminine. Here is a close-up.
I think I'm going to iron it--to take the curl out.
Well, now that I'm officially done with that project, I'm moving on. My hat is coming along alright. I'm about half way done. It's hard to find time to crochet, but I try to squeeze as much time in as I can. I'm already thinking of Christmas gifts.....So, watch out! I really need to get started now.
In other news....
The other night, Cheyenne had a low-grade fever and she wanted to cuddle.
I like this picture of Chey, but it looks like I'm neck-less. HAHAHA
I think you did a great job but I find that whenever I crochet a scarf horizontally mine curl up too. For me it is easier to chain about 20-30 (depending on how wide you want it) and go up vertically.