Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting Back Into the Work Routine

Here is Cheyenne watching some Baby Einstein.
Baby Einstein
Whoa, what a day. Today was my first day back at work since last Thursday and I feel like I'm up to my neck in video editing. It feels a little overwhelming, but I try to look at it in pieces because once I start looking at it all at once, I get all anxious. I've been interviewing Nurse Practitioners for a current video project and I feel like they are sharing war stories with me. Some of their stories are devastating. I have no idea how they do what they do. I really admire them. Today I interviewed a NICU nurse and after the interview concluded I shared with her my NICU experience and I started crying. It was weird and probably unprofessional, but after hearing all her NICU stories, I couldn't help myself.

Like I said, what a day!

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