Average Pace Per Mile: 10:56
This morning I ran by myself. I hope I didn't scare Liz away. I doubt it. It's hard waking up early on a Saturday morning. I thought about skipping too, but knew I would regret it later on, so I got my tired butt out of bed and laced up. Normally, I don't have probelms getting out the door, but last night around 3 am, Cheyenne leaked through her diaper and I had to change her (clothes and all). She went back down, but then around 4:30 am--woke up again, this time hungry. I fed her in bed and then took her back to the crib. Waking up in the middle of the night, is really out of character for her. Weird. Because of the night interruptions, my run this morning felt slow. Towards the end I got a good boost of energy, but overall, I fell like I could've done better.
So, this month I will run 9 miles, during one of my long runs. I don't think I'll do that next week, but maybe the next. We'll see how it goes. And then by October I will be running 10 miles. Woo! Just thinking about it makes me sweat. I'm averging about 16 miles a week. I never thought I'd be covering so much ground, but it feels good.
But other than running, we've been taking it easy at the house and watching college football. We've also been playing with Chey. She is now clapping her hands. Take a look.
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