I mentioned Thursday, that my throat was sore, well, I was sick the entire time we were in Abilene. Today, I feel like I'm getting over it. I'm thinking it was an upper respiratory infection. Plus, I had a bad headache and I rarely get headaches, it was awful. Despite all of that, I had a wonderful time visiting with family.
Here are some photos I took of Cheyenne while we were in Abilene.
She was so gentle touching the flowers. It was so cute!
On the counter, surrounded by water
She needs an absorbent diaper. Don't you think?
Baby Brodee!
Brodee and Chey are a few weeks apart. He was so excited to play with her, that he kept poking her eyes. He didn't realize he was being rough. He just wanted to play tough like boys do.
Cute picture of Cheyenne surrounded by water bottles! I am really sorry to hear about Trey's grandfather. It's never easy to lose someone. Glad to hear you are feeling better.