Yesterday, I called the doctors office and talked with the Nurse Practitioner and she said to continue to monitor Chey's fever and give her some fever reducing medicine. If the fever does not go down, I will have to take her in, but this afternoon her fever seems to be going back to normal.
I took this video of her a few minutes ago and she is happy.
She's happy in the video, but this morning, it was a different story. She woke up crying at 3 am. I walked over to her half asleep and gave her some medicine because she was burning up. She woke up again at 5 am hungry and just wanted to be near Trey and I, so I took her to the bedroom. She napped the rest of the morning, while I went for a 7.5 mile run.
About the run, it was brutal! 2 miles from home, my stomach started to act up and lets just say, nature was calling...No, nature was YELLING! So, I probably ran the fastest 2 miles ever to race to the bathroom. Sometimes, on my routes I spot porter potties, but this time, I was out of luck. I told Trey about it and he said he'd pay good money to see me have an accident on myself. Yeah, that's Trey talking. Here is a photo from this morning, before nature called. I've noticed all my running pictures look the same. Either way, I like sharing them with you guys.
By the way, late this morning, I drove Natasha halfway to Ranger to meet my Mom and Frank. I came home and Trey had done yard work, cleaned the kitchen and swept and mopped the floor. Brownie Points!