Yesterday, Cheyenne and I were in a car accident. We are fine, thanks to God. I’m a little sore this morning, but not bad enough to miss work and Cheyenne is all smiles.
So here’s what happened
I was on my home (in the Element). I drove on the interstate and when it was time I took my exit. I was waiting and yielding to on-coming traffic and that’s when an SUV rear-ended my car. It was a low impact crash and to the naked eye it does not look bad, but there is significant damage to the tailgate. It’s all bent up.
Immediately after the accident, the driver, a middle age woman, tried to talk me out of filing a claim with insurance. I told her I needed a moment and I called Trey and then notified the police. I don’t know why this woman wants to go around insurance, when her car is insured. I think she wants to avoid paying the deductible. Either way, she has insurance and we’ve already notified our insurance company. Trey and I don’t want to have to deal with collecting money from this lady and having her cut us personal checks…..that’s why we have insurance to handle this kind of stuff. Plus, I watch Judge Judy and I wasn’t born yesterday---just because I’m young, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.
About Cheyenne
After impact, Cheyenne woke from her nap and started to scream for a few seconds and then feel back a sleep. She didn’t appear to have any visible injuries, but we decided to take her to Cook Children’s Emergency Room as a precautionary measure. They examined her and assured us she was not harmed. They even had a car seat specialist look at the carrier to determine if it’s safe to continue to use. Since, the collision was low impact, the car seat is good to use again. Our insurance will most likely cover the cost for a new one, so we are probably going to transition her to a convertible seat.
Here is Cheyenne at Cook Children’s in the hospital gown.

She looks like a giant baby in these pictures.

I’m very pleased with Cook’s. I’ve always heard it’s one of the best, but having dealt with them, I can testify to that. The wait was minimal and the service and care was outstanding. Cook Children’s you get an A+!