In a week or two, I will introduce solids. She missed the whole cereal and oatmeal stage. Since she has been growing fine and sleeping through the night, I didn't think it was necessary to introduce it. When I asked my doctor for advice on the subject, he said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." But I am looking forward to introducing vegetables and fruits to her. I'm not sure how she will respond to solids. Sometimes, she seems a little interested in what I'm eating and other times she could care less. Right now, everything goes from hands to mouth, so I think she'll welcome the food to her mouth, but she may not be interested in swallowing. We will find out soon.
We are about to hit the 6 month mark and this was my orginal nursing goal. Since Cheyenne is doing so well with it, I think I'm going to continue to nurse for another 6 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least 12 months. I asked Trey what he thought about it and he is supportive with whatever I decide. She may decide to wean herself sooner than 12 months once she gets a taste of real food and that's okay with me.
I used her duck to prop her up, so she wouldn't slouch.
She is definetly a morning baby.
This past week, I have been concerned about Cheyenne sleeping on her stomach. Everyone says you're not suppose to let them sleep on their stomach because of SIDS. It's really frustrating because last night I had to roll Cheyenne on her back three times. Trey is concerned too and my goal today is to look into a way to prevent her from doing this, so any advice is welcomed.
I will tell you this...Jacob slept on his stomach all 12 months! I heard all of the warnings about it, but he just would not sleep on his back. I had a monitor, and I checked on him regularly. I'm not saying that SIDS isn't legitamite, but Jacob was not at high risk. Anyway, that's just me.
ReplyDeleteHey Dom, Your little one is so cute and growing fast. Just wanted to let you know that my baby was a tummy sleeper...she slept on her tummy every since she was 2 months old. Some babies just sleep better on their stomach. I never had any problems.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I had a question for you. I am expecting my 2nd child in about 5 months. I didn't nurse my last child for very long. But I want to go at least 6 months with this one. How do you manage to breast feed and work full time. I will be in that situation and would love advice. I have my own office at work so pumping would be fine...I just need to be comfortable doing it.
Thanks for the help!
I have heard from doctors and such that once they can roll, if they roll and go on their tummy to sleep, they can roll to get off if needed and so their isn't as much cause for concern over SIDS. For what its worth.