Clock Time 1:04:13
Chip Time 1:04:08
Overall Place 208 / 298
Gender Place 66 / 125
Division Place 6 / 9
Total Pace 10:21/M
So, there are the results. Next race is in April and I'm running with Amanda. It'll be a 5K, so it should be interesting to see if my pace per mile decreases, since it'll be shorter/ 3 miles . I'm really looking forward to nice race weather; surely it won't be freezing, but with my luck it may rain.
In other news, Cheyenne and I need to go shopping today. I need to find her an easter dress.
Good news, I found a bunny and I didn't have to search far. I found it in her room! Someone, I think my mom's co-workers, gave her this. It's just the right size.

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