So, my mom and Natasha came into town this weekend. My mom watched Cheyenne for us, while I ran the 10K.
I can't believe how big and fast she's growing. It seems like everyday, she's changing. It's happening right before my eyes. She's holding her head up so strong and she recently started gripping my hand. The other day I caught her reaching and grabbing a toy.
Yesterday, I took Cheyenne to UTA, so my co-workers could have a look at her. Our trip, was much better than the first one we made, when she was only a few weeks old. She did get hungry in the middle of our visit and it was one of those times when she wanted to eat and she wanted to eat IMMEDIATELY! So, I went to my office, closed the door and fed her. 20 minutes later she emerged much happier. It's amazing what warm milk and a clean diaper can do for a baby.
Thanks for brining her up here! I am so glad I got to see her! She is so precious!