I've been with UTA for almost 2 years and they've never sent me to a conference, so for the first one to be Vegas, makes it worth the wait. As much as I'm looking forward to going, I will miss Cheyenne while I'm away. Trey doesn't have anymore vacation time, otherwise I would haul him and Cheyenne across country. I have the option to stay 5 days, but I decided 3 is just about the longest (I think) I can stand to be without my baby.
Trey will be watching her while I'm away. This will be a great opportunity for them to bond. Even though she's still nursing, I'm not too worried about her feedings, since I have a large amount of milk in the freezer. It's an OCD thing, I really don't want to put her on formula and to prevent that, I've been putting extra milk aside and freezing it. It looks like it'll come in handy, while I'm away.
Here are more pictures of Chey Chey. Trey and I both noticed she likes to open her mouth a lot when she's being photographed.
This picture reminds me of Trey when he smiles big.
"I have no teeth."
Cheyenne will probably have this same facial expression when I fly out, next month. That makes me sad.
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