If you look closely, you can see her bubble
Yesterday, as Brandon was leaving town, Linda and Steve arrived. They were only in town for the night and left this afternoon. While they were here, Trey and I decided to introduce them to Riscky's BBQ, the one downtown. Nothing says Ft. Worth like some good BBQ.
We mentioned to them that we wanted to get a room for next years Cowtown and they're up for it. It's hard to believe that next year when we run the half, Cheyenne will be a year old. I wonder if she'll have a full head of hair by then?
Linda and I usually run together any chance we get, but this morning I decided it would be best not to, since I'm getting over this cold. Stupid cold!
Before they left town, I introduced them to FW Running Co. and Luke's Locker. Luke's Locker is part of an outdoor mall and the weather was perfect. When they left town, Cheyenne and I went outside for a few minutes and sat under our pathetic tree. One of the downsides of building a new home is premature landscaping. Trey and I keep saying we're going to plant more trees, but you'd be surprised how expensive trees are.
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