This year, Trey had to work half a day on Christmas Eve. Around 10 am it started snowing in Ft. Worth and apparently it had been snowing all night and morning in Abilene. We were planning on driving to Abilene and be in town that evening. Angelica was in a Christmas play and Nanny was having her annual Christmas Eve party. So, as soon as Trey got home we packed up the car and got on I-20.
The snow was pouring down and by the time we made it up Ranger Hill it was a Blizzard! Literally a blizzard. It was so scary. Ice. Snow. Wind. It was treacherous. Traffic was horrific and we were at a stand still in Cisco for HOURS. Trey and I estimated we were in the car for at least 7 hours. Somewhere between Cisco and Abilene, the interstate was closed, due to weather. So, that explains the parking lot in Cisco.
Cheyenne was a little trooper. Luckily, I packed plenty of snacks. I started to worry when we ran out of water, but luckily that was right around the time we decided to get off the interstate and find shelter. And it was perfect timing because we actually had an opportunity to exit the interstate! There have been reports that there were approximately 200 motorist/vehicles stranded all night long.

Trey has family in Cisco. I had never met them, but they opened their home to us and let us spend the night. They fed us dinner and breakfast and by 11:30 am, Christmas Day, we were back on the road, Abilene bound. We drove into town right in time for lunch.
This was Christmas Day and we saw so many people pushing vehicles.

There were also a lot of cars in the medium and off to the side.
Trey on the phone, updating family on where we were and what the roads looked like. I know they were worried about us....I was worried about us. It was scary. Trey kept saying, "This is a freaggin nightmare...This is the nightmare before Christmas!" I had my moments too. One minute I was mad and the next minute I was laughing. Overall, I'm thankful, that we made it to Abilene on Christmas day. At least we didn't have to sleep in our car.

Our Car Christmas Morning

The next morning this is what the neighborhood looked like, in Cisco.

Oh, I think it's worth mentioning that Wednesday afternoon, the High was 76 degrees. I took Cheyenne for a walk and she was wearing shorts.