About the weekend
Well, it was nice being a guest for a change. When Trey told me we were going to Abilene, I made it a priority to get our motorcycles out of storage and ride them for the weekend. It’s funny because I think Johnny rode it more than I did and by the way he looked hilarious on it. We encouraged Jonell to ride my scooter too even though she insisted she didn’t want to (at first). Before she sat on it I gave her a brief, but extensive run through on how to drive it. I thought she’d do fine riding for her first time, but boy was I wrong. She gave the bike too much gas and it looked like she was going to crash and burn. Trey had to yell out “Brake! Brake!” While I meet her and relieved her from the scary ride back in our direction. Jonell gave us all a scare including herself, but it was so funny and I think it makes for a great blog entry. The only thing I regret is not having my camera handy to capture the moment. I’m sure she regrets it all.
While we were in Abilene we also had a chance to go to our old church. Trey even played guitar with the praise and worship band. I use to play bass guitar in the band, but Johnny has since taken over. He offered to step down so I could play, but I just wanted to enjoy the worship without having the entire congregation stare at me.
We should really make more trips to Abilene because Trey and I had a great time. Johnny and Trey are discussing some kind of rotation to where they visit us every month and then we make a trip and visit them. That would be great, but next time Jonell won’t be allowed to ride the scooter and I’m sure she would agree with me on that one.
Trey couldn't find his helmet so he had to ride all weekend without one. So, I'm glad he was safe and nothing happened.
He looks like one serious biker. Hey Johnny next time I'll let you borrow my helmet.
I wished I looked as cool as Trey on a bike.
I put up a good act becuase by this picture you'd think I knew how to ride a motorcyle.
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