Exhausting sums it up. Non-stop…that’s another one. And yes fun.
Friends from Abilene, Johnny and Joneil, came to visit. The boys went to the Cowboys game and the girls went out.
Joneil and I were talking about how they make us put up with football all season long and then when they get an opportunity to go to a game they don’t invite us. Joneil and I were talking about getting tickets and not inviting them. Now that would be fun!
Well, Trey’s been sick since Thursday with bronchitis, but he wouldn’t miss a Dallas Cowboys game for anything. So even though he felt horrible he wore his dark blue jersey in 90 degree weather and cheered for America’s team. Isn’t that what they call the Cowboys? I should know, I’m the only woman I know who watches hours of ESPN (not by choice).
Oh the Parker’s booked a room in Irving, near Texas Stadium. Irving is a part of DFW I’ve never been to…EVER. So while the guys were out Saturday, Joneil and I bravely ventured the town, without a map. We found ourselves at the mall and eventually a movie. Joneil said she’s really bad with directions and she wasn’t kidding. After watching the movie she said, “I don’t even know which way to exit the parking lot to get back to the hotel.” Good thing I was driving.
What we watched: No Reservations.
My two favorite things, romance and food, you can’t go wrong with that combination.
Overall, the weekend was fantastic. When the Parkers left town, Trey and I napped hard. Hopefully the next time they’re in town they won’t have to stay in a hotel they can have a room at our new house.