I know several photographers and they swear by Nikon and so I went into this camera shopping adventure with the intention of buying one.
Today, I made my way to a professional camera shop and after holding the Nikon in hand I was disappointed. Trey was with me and he saw a Canon 30D and asked if we could test that one out. The camera body, the options, and especially the image stabilizer lens are very impressive.
Before I fall too hard for this camera, I have to check the specs to see if this camera passes the test.

Apart from camera shopping, I think I’m annoying Trey because everyday after work I come home and tell him how much I love my job. Most of the time he goes along with it, but now after almost two weeks he’s probably thinking shut-up already. Oh, well at least he doesn’t make it too obvious I’m annoying him. (love you trey)
I haven't commented on your blog in a while but I wanted to congratulate you on your new job and let you know I enjoy reading your posts. This post caught my attention because it was about cameras and the camera nerd in me can't resist putting in my two cents. I think you would like the Canon, it's quite a nice camera from what I have heard.