Since the beginning of the year Linda and I have been meeting at least twice a week to exercise and eat breakfast together. The conversations we have usually revolve around how we’re both intelligent women and we’re still unemployed (in the corporate sense). We’ve had our fair share’s of close employment calls, but nothing substantial.
About a month ago, she told me that we can’t get caught up in this rut and it’s not always about the arrival, but even better it’s all about enjoying the journey. Since that conversation I’ve echoed it over and over in my head. It’s about enjoying the journey because one day I’m going to wake-up and be thirty-something, with a job, a kid, a house, a car, a dog named Patch and realize I’ve arrived without enjoying the process. Besides, this part of my life is exciting! I’m young and I have ample opportunities in my future. But for now I’m going to live in the present and stop dwelling on the what if and why's.
I’m enjoying this current process that I’m in: the friendships I’m making, the mentors who are teaching me, and the free-time to be creative and pursue the things I’m passionate about.
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