Rolling over a thousand miles the scooter is going strong. When I first got it the sticker claimed it got 75 miles to the gallon, but when I started riding it, I was only getting 70. I read online and found many owners claiming it took their scooters a while before they were getting 75 miles to the gallon and some of them even said they were getting 80. Now that I've broken the engine-in, I'm now getting 80 miles to the gallon too.
I ride it to and from work and it gets me from point a to point b. I would say I fill-up at least once a week and last time I was on empty I paid about $2.70. That's it! Can you believe it? Sometimes I feel silly, but then I think to myself "You don't look retarded, you look smart (and cute)." I get a lot of smiles and waves, especially from old men. I'm not too flattered, because most of the time it creeps me out.
It was super scary when I first started driving it. It's not like anything I was familiar with. You have to get a motorcycle license, which means taking a written and driving test. I don't know how to drive a motorcycle, but I have a license, if I wanted to. Maybe I'll get Trey to teach me on his motorcycle. One day. Now that I've been driving the scooter for a few months I'm not scared of driving anymore. Okay that's not entirely true, I do get scared when I see gravel. A month ago I feel off of the bike when I stopped at a stop sign. It was no big deal. The bike fell to its side and I hopped off before I fell on the street. Now when I see gravel I slow down, but not abruptly. I also stay away from highways and busy areas.
P.S. I always wear a helmet. I've almost been hit twice by crazy drivers. Everyone who rides tells me you have to look out for the other person.
yay! Thanks! I'm toying with the idea, sure does look good with the gas mileage. But in Houston....? At least my job let's me head south, and I can take back roads. Still....