Despite my luck with electronics, I have purchased another external hard drive. I ask myself everyother day why can't I have another hobby that is less expensive. WHY? WHY? WHY? And Trey echoes the same question. It looks like this summer is going to busy even though I won't be working full time....yet.
- Today John, my boss, asked me to make a video for the radio station
- I'm doing some freelance video work for ACU online summer course
- I have to shoot and edit a wedding early June
- And I'm teaching a media class to High School students
Wow, I guess my major will pay for itself huh? I already have serious plans for my summer income. SAVE!
I feel you on the expensive equipment issue. It's hard for us to balance the cost of our equipment and the amount of money we bring in from freelance jobs and such. It's like those of us who are starting out are fighting an uphill battle to actually make a profit.