As expected, the weekend I purchase my scooter it happens to be the coldest weekend of winter. Well, today Trey and I signed the papers and they'll be delivering the bike to our house this afternoon. I have to get my motorcycle license to drive it "legally", but that won't stop me from getting comfortable with it. I already plan to drive it around the neighborhood as soon as I can, even though the windshield feels like 35 degrees. I was so stoked because I had never seen the bike in person. I had only seen pictures, so I was hoping I would like it. When I finally saw the bike I was going to purchase I started squealing with happiness. It's adorable. I should be able to reach speeds of 55-60 MPH on it, so I shouldn't have any problems keeping up with the traffic in town. It's highly recommended not to drive the vino on the highway so don't count on seeing me there, besides I'd be too scared of blowing away.
"the vino" what a great name.
ReplyDeleteAnd randomly, I keep having dreams where I'm drinking beer. First out of that glass, then later out of the bottle. I am obviously deprived. Well, Olympic ice hockey is coming around soon enough, so that should be plenty oppurtunity for beer and pizza. Oh man. I'm turning into a gross old man. Sick!